BrECADD Shows Promise as New Standard for Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma Treatment


Peter Borchmann, MD, discusses the main takeaways from the GHSG HD21 study presented at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting.

A new treatment regimen, BrECADD, may become the standard for adults with advanced classical Hodgkin lymphoma. This study compared BrECADD to the current standard, eBEACOPP, and found BrECADD to be equally effective with fewer side effects.

BrECADD includes the drug brentuximab vedotin (Adcetris). Both regimens involve multiple chemotherapy drugs; however, BrECADD resulted in less treatment-related complications like blood transfusions and nerve damage. BrECADD preserved fertility better in both men and women compared to eBEACOPP.

BrECADD showed a slight improvement in progression-free survival (PFS) at 4 years compared to eBEACOPP. This difference was most pronounced in patients who responded well to initial treatment. Overall survival rates were similar between the 2 groups.

This is early data, but researchers believe BrECADD offers a good balance of effectiveness and tolerability. Based on these findings, BrECADD is recommended as a new standard treatment option for this type of lymphoma.

Peter Borchmann, MD, senior consultant at University Hospital of Cologne, Germany, presenter and author of the study, discusses the main takeaways from the GHSG HD21 study presented at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting.


0:05 | We now have a highly effective treatment, which leads to resolution of all side effects for more than 99% of patients after 1 year follow-up. I think this is truly important in a young patient population like Hodgkin lymphoma patients with a curative treatment intent. From the patient's perspective, they will tolerate side effects as long as they disappear. So after 1 year, this is a timeframe that has been proven in studies, they look or they look for still existing side effects or resolution of adverse events. 0:45 | And with such a high resolution, we have persisting adverse events in 2 out of 800 patients after 4 years, after 1 year, actually. So almost all patients will recover from this treatment rather quickly. And this is 1 message. So it's really very well tolerated and easy. Outpatient regimen is extremely high so far in reported tumor control rates. And it comes with a individualized approach with 4 cycles of treatment for the vast majority of patients, so they are done with the 12 weeks. So it's brief, it's convenient, it's safe, and highly effective. So the combination seems to be good to us, to our patients. At least that's why we recommend the system.

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