Barata Addresses Unmet Needs in the Oncology Space


Pedro Barata, MD, MSc, FACP, discusses tackling unmet needs in oncology at the NRG Oncology Semiannual Meeting taking place February 15-17, 2024.

The NRG Oncology Semiannual Meeting takes place from February 15 to 17, 2024, and serves as a hub where clinicians and researchers can meet and collaborate on the latest findings and practices in the oncology field.

Pedro Barata, MD, MSc, FACP, genitourinary oncology and clinical researcher, highlights NRG's importance at providing a space where oncologists, clinicians, and researchers can meet to investigate unmet needs for patients.

Here, Barata, a member of the Young Investigators Committee and Genitourinary Committee, discusses how NRG Oncology addresses unmet needs in oncology and how members can strive for better patient outcomes.


0:05 | Unfortunately, we cannot cure all patients, right, that come to us with cancer. NRG has the ability to work on the different stages of the cancer. So for example, their very strong, robust portfolio of studies. For patients with localized cancer, an example of that is localized bladder cancer, localized prostate cancer. Unfortunately, not all patients are cured with the current approaches, and NRG helps us to fill in that gap.

0:37 | It helps also to bring together novel treatments, either by itself or combined with other modalities and thinking, a number of studies combining medical therapies along with radiation, strategies for patients with GU cancers. Another way is to develop biomarkers. How can we optimize the patients who will benefit from those novel therapies? And I think, NRG you know, specifically translational groups are able to leverage on the data being produced from prior trials to actually understand what biomarkers can come out of that, but for us to optimize the patients who are more likely to benefit from those therapies or those strategies.

1:18 | And finally, the portfolio includes studies, all the way from early stage disease to, you know, advanced disease, which is obviously an unmet need, because, you know, you know, patients presented different stages. And, and so there's that effort for docs to get together and researchers to get together and try to answer this specific questions in early disease, early stages disease, recurrent disease, advanced disease, etc. So, I think there's a number of a number of areas where we have, and we are trying to do better. And I think NRG is providing their valuable contribution towards answering and understanding the questions that need to be answered for our patients.

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