Considering the Role of Clinical Trials for Patients With Molecularly Altered Lung Cancers


Sarah B. Goldberg, MD, MPH, discusses the role of clinical trials in patients with lung cancer who have molecularly altered tumors, such as&nbsp;<em>EGFR</em>,&nbsp;<em>ALK</em>,&nbsp;<em>BRAF</em>,<em>ROS1,&nbsp;</em>or other alterations. These patients typically consider either targeted therapy or immunotherapy treatment options.

Sarah B. Goldberg, MD, MPH, associate professor of internal medicine, Yale School of Medicine and Yale Cancer Center, discusses the role of clinical trials in patients with lung cancer who have molecularly altered tumors, such asEGFR,ALK,BRAF,ROS1,or other alterations. These patients typically consider either targeted therapy or immunotherapy treatment options.

At any stage of disease, whether it is at initial diagnosis or progression of disease, physicians and patients should consider clinical trials as an option. Even when there is a great standard of care available, clinical trials aim to improve upon the standard therapies, Goldberg says, to provide patients with the best outcomes.

Physicians often think about immunotherapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, or combination regimens when faced with newly diagnosed patients harboring a molecularly altered tumor. However, Goldberg says these patients are less likely to benefit from immunotherapy; targeted therapy may be the most beneficial frontline option.

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