Progression of Left-Sided mCRC
February 2016
- A 66-year-old man reported with constipation, bloating, abdominal pain and weight loss of 12 pounds in 2 months
- PMH: mild hypertension, well-controlled on CCB
- Lab evaluation: Grade 2 anemia (Hb 9.2 g/dL)
- Colonoscopy revealed a7-cm mass in sigmoid colon
- CEA, 80 ng/mL
- The patient underwent sigmoid colectomy
- Pathology: undifferentiated adenocarcinoma tumor invading through muscularis propria and extending into the pericolorectal tissue;
- Biopsy: 7of 12 resected nodes positive
- Molecular testing:KRASmutation in codon 12 of exon 2; microsatellite stable
- CT scan showed several lesions in both lobes of the liver, measuring up to 17 mm in diameter, and 3 small lesions (<6 mm) in the left lower pulmonary lobe
- Diagnosis: Stage 4 colorectal cancer
- The patient received systemic therapy with FOLFOX + bevacizumab; therapy was well-tolerated
- The patient was continued on bevacizumab maintenance
February 2017
- One year after starting therapy, the patient complained of nausea and fatigue
- CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis showed progression in three of the liver lesions and one lesion in the right pulmonary lobe
- The patient was started on FOLFIRI and continued bevacizumab
January 2018
- Eleven months later, CEA level rose significantly
- Follow-up CT showed progressive disease in the lung and liver
- The patient is interested in knowing his options at this stage