Key Advances in Precision Medicine in Lung Cancer


Robert Coleman, MD, FACOG, FACS, discusses key advances in precision medicine in lung cancer.

Robert Coleman, MD, FACOG, FACS the chief scientific officer for US Oncology Research, supported by McKesson, and an oncologist with Texas Oncology, discusses key advances in precision medicine in lung cancer.

According to Coleman, lung cancer has been the “poster child” for precision medicine in recent months. Recent approvals have expanded targetable molecular alterations, such as EGFR mutations. More emphases have been placed on such targets, even though they make up a small picture of the overall lung cancer space.

Treatment for these molecular anomalies have been moved to earlier lines of treatments. Many approvals for these mutations exist in other cancer types, according to Coleman. Immunotherapy, both as a monotherapy and in combination, for other mutations such as RAS, MET, and, RET have also been moved to earlier therapy lines.

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