The Side Effects of Lung Cancer Treatment


Bonnie Addario, a lung cancer survivor, discusses toxicities involved during lung cancer treatment.

Bonnie Addario, a survivor and founder of the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (BJALCF), discusses toxicities involved with lung cancer treatment.

Although clinical trials are closely monitored to document side effects, Addario says the trials often do not take into consideration what the real-life effect of many toxins.

For example, a patient may be taking chemotherapy that was tested in a clinical trial but the effect of taking pain medications, steroids, or other medications with the chemotherapy regiment is not tested, Addario says.

Addario says many patients are experiencing strong side effects when taking a combination of medication during their lung cancer treatment, which is affecting their health.

Clinical Pearls

  • Clinical trials measure the side effects of a drug, but how that drug will interact with other medications is unknown
  • Many patients with lung cancer are seeing strong side effects when taking a combination of medications during their treatment.
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